Your financial journey is as unique as you are, and it's likely to evolve over time. That's why our process is customized to suit your individual needs, goals, and preferences. Whether you start with comprehensive financial planning or simply need your investments managed, we adapt our services to fit you—both now and as your needs change.

Introductory Discovery

Begin your financial journey with United Ethos by selecting an initial meeting option that mirrors your desired level of engagement and detail.

Option 1: Quick Connect (15 minutes) No prep work needed! This brief, informal, no-obligation conversation via phone or video conference allows us to gather basic information about you. We'll explore your core values and priorities, set mutual expectations, and help you determine if our values and services align with your goals. This option is ideal if you have just a few simple questions and want a quick overview before diving deeper into your financial journey. We'll also introduce you to our approach to costs, ensuring transparency from the start.

Option 2: In-Depth Discovery (30-60 minutes) Most clients choose this option for a more robust and productive conversation. Prior to our meeting, you'll complete a short questionnaire to help us prepare for a deeper dive into your unique situation and objectives during our call. This allows us to explore your financial landscape more thoroughly and ensures that our time together is utilized most productively, focusing on aspects that matter most to you and your financial future.

Let's Get Started

Engagement & Alignment

Now that you’ve chosen to partner with us, we’ll tailor the next steps to your specific needs. Whether you're seeking a simple, elegant financial plan, a more detailed roadmap, or just need your investments managed, we adapt to your unique needs and preferences. We'll provide a snapshot of your current financial status and outline a tailored plan to align your values with achieving your goals.

Progress & Adaptation

With a plan and investments aligned with your values, we will routinely review progress with you and look for opportunities for advanced planning. From estate and tax planning to asset protection and charitable giving strategies, we adapt your plan as life evolves. Through transparent meetings, regular reviews, and access to our client portal, you'll always know where you stand. You can expect nothing less than our honest, informed advice. We collaborate with your team of professionals like attorneys and CPAs to ensure a comprehensive approach.

Continuous Learning & Client Education

Moreover, we keep you well-informed through newsletters, videos, and other educational content. The financial world doesn't stand still, and neither do we. We're committed to staying updated on industry trends and technologies.

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